Publishing: We are looking for authors and institutes who are interested in publishing their books, monographs, conference and proceedings, starting new Journals . We have a worldwide network and a well-organized and strong infrastructure. A mailing list of fifty thousand or so intellectual, scholars, Universities, Institutions and common readers worldwide strengthen it further. Coping with the modern publishing necessities, we have a fully computerized production infrastructure. Distribution: Beside our own publications, we supplies books and journals on all subjects from different Indian publishers and societies to large number overseas buyers — trade, libraries and individual scholars. We are a regular supplier of Indian books/ Journals on all subjects to libraries/ institutions in India. Purchase orders/want lists from institutions are welcome. All books/ Journals packets are airmailed free to any part of the World. We do not charge for Airmail Postage, Packing, and Handling. Book Services/Serials Services: Jyotikiran Publication Pune Cover the full range of information requests from libraries. We provide free examination copies of many serials in our catalog, with the largest selection available anywhere. We also offer libraries “sample blanket orders”, covering your specific areas of interest. Serials are delivered direct to your doorstep, via airmail, worldwide. We can supply back issues of publications, helping to fill gaps in your holdings at an affordable price. Finally, FIPP will gladly investigate, and try to acquire, any serials title you desire for your collection. Title Search: FIPP will gladly investigate, and try to acquire, any serial title you desire for your collection. Since we maintain the largest database of Indian, India, Sri Lanka, China, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, South Korea, USA, USSR, Germany and Netherlands, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria and Australia other Country Countries’ serial titles in the business. DOI:- DOI we provide service article, book chapter, Book Publishing Services to our authors in very nominal amount to all others:- Publishing Activities: After you submit your manuscript to JK publication, a production editor will be assigned to your book. That person will work closely with you and various book production specialists to ensure that your book moves through the following stages of production as smoothly as possible. Copyediting: A copy editor will edit your manuscript electronically, line by line, using the revisions (track changes) feature in Word. You will then are e-mailed the copyedited manuscript and have an opportunity to review the edits, answer queries, and make any necessary changes before typesetting. Typesetting: The edited manuscript is laid out in pages, which will be sent to you, a proofreader, an indexer, and usually any contributors to the book. Proofreading: The page proofs are read not only by you but also by a professional proofreader, who corrects errors missed (or introduced) in the copyediting stage. You and the proofreader will return the corrected pages to the production editor, who submits them to the typesetter for correction. The production editor then reviews the revised proofs to ensure that all corrections have been made. Indexing: Depending on your agreement with JK Publ., the index will be created either by you or by a professional indexer, working from the revised page proofs. Printing: The final page-layout files are sent to the printer. Four to six weeks later, freshly bound books arrive at FIPP |